Discover more about me.

Marina galici

Marina Galici, class of 1965, was born in Palermo. Since childhood, she cultivates various intimate and creative expressions such as poetry, drawing, and painting.
At the age of twenty, fascinated by the synoptic potential of the photographic image for the purpose of self-research, she approached her first studies on photography. In the early years she takes care of its analog mode, later the digital dimension.
Palermo, chaotic, complex, highly contrasting and contrasting is its human and environmental landscape.
Street, social, political and denunciation photography, the preeminent theme of her photography.
Black/white, with intermediary gray scales, the choice of color, from the inner gaze to the final photo.
Of her photography she has often been wont to say: - I photograph as I write and write as I photograph - or - I do not seek the photo, but a vision.
Leaving to the symbol, the sign, the underlying word, the unmistakable imprint of each of her emotional and poetic vibrations.
Revealing a firm and consistent faith more toward her third eye than to the dogmas and commandments inherent in the photographic discipline.

She has distinguished herself in various national and international photographic awards and taken part in various exhibitions, both collective and personal.
Lately, in the year 2021/22, she exhibited her works at The International Center of Photography in Palermo in several group exhibitions, following workshops/projects curated by photojournalist Letizia Battaglia and during the 11th edition of the "Week of Cultures" at the Loggiato San Bartolomeo in Palermo.
In August and September '22 she exhibits in Berlin in a group show for the photo project "Giro Mancato - Reportage on Sicily's secrets", curated by Street Photography Palermo and Berlinecore Street Photography Berlin at the old Arminiusmarkthalle Markthalle Moabit and CISpace in Moabit.
Marina Galici - autoritratto-sito2.jpg

Menzioni e Premi

~May 2022/Special Mention, "Guido Orlando Competition" - Cinisi(PA).
[in jury photojournalist Tano D'Amico, Tony Gentile].
~May 2017/Special Mention, "Guido Orlando Competition"- Cinisi(PA)
[in jury the photojournalist Tano D'Amico].
~May 2014/1st Prize at the "Peppino Impastato" Photo Contest"- Cinisi(PA)
[in jury the photographer Letizia Battaglia]
~March 2013/1st prize at the Photo Contest "Dentro lo sguardo: storie di donne"- Misilmeri;
~October 2011/1st prize at the Photographic Competition "The languages of the heart"- Mondello (PA);